How to keep your car cool this summer

How to keep your car cool this summer

Summer is the best time of year for road trips as you can roll down the windows and drive without a care in the world. However the hot temperatures outside can make the inside of your car feel like a sauna – especially if we’re in the middle of one of our heatwaves.
Not only can this heat be uncomfortable but it can also cause damage to your car’s interior and items inside. In some cases it can even lead to mechanical problems. Luckily we’re here to help you keep your car cool this summer with some top tips.

Park in the shade

Parking in the shade can make a massive difference on the interior temperature of your car. Whatever is causing the shade will block out the sun’s rays, which in turn will reduce the amount that your car heats up during the day. If parking for long periods, it’s worth considering how the position of the sun will change throughout the day though.

Use a sunshade

The sun’s rays can cause damage to your car’s dashboard materials and steering wheel by cracking them or making the colours fade. By spending a few pounds on a sunshade that you place in the windscreen when you park the car, you can reduce the amount of damage done by the sun. By blocking the sun’s rays from penetrating the windscreen you’ll also benefit from a cooler interior.

Open the windows

Set your air con to maximum power, and open the windows when you set off. This will allow all of the hot air to exit the car. Then once the hot air has escaped, close the windows and adjust the air con to your preference. Allow the air con to do its job and you’ll be rewarded with a lovely cool car.

Crack the widows open

You can increase the air circulation in your car by leaving the windows open ever so slightly when you park. This will result in a slightly cooler cabin when you get in the car. It’s worth noting though that your insurance will not cover you if something happens to your car and the windows are not fully closed.

Tint the windows

Window tints aren’t just for football players and private ambulances. They are a great way to reduce the UV exposure from the sun. This will keep your car cooler as well as prevent sun damage. There are strict laws when it comes to visibility though. So make sure you get the correct windows tinted and with the correct type of film.

Make use of seat covers

If you have leather or vinyl seats then you will probably know all too well how hot they can get in the summer heat. In some cases they can even cause burns. A good way to prevent them is to temporarily install seat covers for the summer months. If you’d rather not do that then simply placing a towel on the seat when parked will make a big difference.

Use a cooling cushion

You can take keeping your seats cool to a whole new level with the addition of a cooling cushion in your car. These are special car cushions made from a material with a honeycomb-style structure. This allows the air to circulate below your body and therefore keep everything nice and cool.

Keep on top of air conditioning servicing to make sure it works when you need it to

Get your air con sorted

If your air conditioning is not blowing out icy cold air then it might need regassing. While this isn’t a DIY job for the vast majority of people it’s not a particularly expensive one anymore and can completely transform your driving experience for the better. If you’re thinking of selling your car any time soon then having a working air conditioning system will mean you get more money for the car when you do. Even if your aircon is working fine it’s worth checking your car’s manual to see if it’s due a service. A small fee now could save you hundreds of pounds in potential future repair bills.

Stay hydrated

It’s no use keeping your car cool if you can’t keep yourself cool. Ensure you’re always hydrated when driving in the summer weather. Being dehydrated will reduce your ability to concentrate and could make it more likely that you’re involved in an accident. It’s always a good idea to keep a bottle of water in the car, and preferably a larger one in the boot. If using for dfrinking water, ensure you check the best before date occasionally as bottled water doesn’t last forever.

Drive during the cooler hours

If possible, schedule your car journeys to the times of day that are the least hot. The three hours between 11am and 2pm are generally the hottest, while early mornings and evenings are coolest. Don’t forget that the weather is hotter during the summer holidays and unfortunately this is also the time where more cars are on the road so you’re more likely to get stuck in traffic in a hot car.

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